Dr. Woods Visits CCHS Anatomy and Physiology Classes
On Monday, March 29, 2017, the Anatomy and Physiology classes had the opportunity to enjoy a visit from Dr. Thomas Woods from the Physician Assistant program at St. Francis University. Dr. Woods explained coronary disease to the classes and illustrated on cadaver organs what is happening to the organs anatomical structure during the disease process. The presentation contained many facets of coronary diseases, such as stroke and heart attack which is created by the occlusion of vessels in the heart and brain. During the presentation, students had the opportunity to see and hold both hearts and brains from cadaver donors that had vascular disease. The experience was well received by the students and lead to discussions related to coronary disease and the role medical professionals. We greatly appreciate Dr. Woods time and effort in bringing a real life experience into our classrooms and we also appreciate Mrs. McDermott and Mr. Paronish for permitting innovative presentations to occur in our school.